Where Good Ideas Come From

Have you ever wondered where ideas come from? What are the processes that take place in your brain and create good ideas? And why does it sometimes seem so hard to have them?

This video by Steven Johnson talks about the process trough which good ideas grow, and it’s connection with community and sharing. If you have never thought about sharing ideas or how that can be valuable then this video might just change your mind, after all there are great benefits in having a sounding board, somewhere where you can safely share your ideas, no matter how strange or silly they might seam.

Maybe if we learn to share our ideas with other we might just make for better ideas. After all two minds think better than one.

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2 thoughts on “Where Good Ideas Come From

  1. ” Thanks for the great article its really nice and wealthy. I also enjoy the newsletters of idea connection on https://www.ideaconnection.com/newsletters/signup.html
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  2. David says:

    Cool video, thanks! Johnson’s book by the same title was one of my top 3 reads of 2011, which I blogged about recently. He has a lot of insight on innovation!

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